
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Arcane Essence - Part Two

The Throne Room

The throne room appeared deserted as Boch made his way to the “Living Throne”. The throne was another construct of the Arch Mage and was rumored to consist of the body parts of the failed students. Boch shook his head to try to dismiss the thought.

The slight breeze on the back of his neck was the only warning he was no longer by himself in the room. A dry cackle reverberated throughout the throne room.

“Welcome, Nephew.” came whispering from the shadowed corner of the room.

“Hello, Uncle. To what do I owe the privilege of being summoned to the Throne Room?”

“I do believe it is past time for your Tempering.”

“But Uncle, the other teachers don’t think I’m ready.”

“Be that as it may be, I will not have one of my own ridiculed in this hall as an incompetent.”

“The next test is in six months. I can take it …”

“Enough with your excuses and promises, my boy. Your teachers have concluded you are a hopeless waste of time. Look closely and see how we may salvage something yet.”

The Arch Mage held out his hand and pointed to his robe. Boch shuddered when he realized the various brooches, rings and pendants contained the arcane essence of his kin who had obviously failed the tests.

“Please take a seat,” his uncle said, pointing to the throne.

“But uncle, that’s your throne!”

“I insist. It will be a bittersweet taste of what could have been. It will bring a certain vibrancy to your essence as it drains away.”

Boch reluctantly sat down on the throne. The throne’s arms grew skeletal hand and seized his wrists in a death grip. Again, the cackle reverberated through the room.

“Uncle, please, you don’t know what I can do.”

“No, my sweet, simple, Boch, I do know your abilities. You are the last, weakest child of my brood. Even your younger siblings have at least gotten to the testing stage. You will never have the ability to step into the room for the test. You have no supporters among the teachers or apprentices. It is time for you to meet your fate.”

With that, the Arch Mage tossed his scepter at Boch. The Scepter of Control floated just inches from Boch’s reach, both the arcane and physical. The blood ruby blazed with an unnatural fire from within as the Arch Mage started casting the spell to forcibly remove Boch’s arcane essence, or as some might call it, his soul.

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