
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Arcane Essence - Part One

The Summons

“Apprentice Boch, attend the Arch Mage in the Throne Room.”

The announcement echoed off the walls as it issued from the green, glowing mouth suddenly appearing on the dull, grey walls. Even though he had been living in the castle with all of its special traits and quirks for the last couple of decades, he was still startled when the arch mage used a portal mouth to summon him. At least he was not being forced to enter the portal to make his appearance. Stepping through the mouth was too reminiscent of the Giant Wyrm episode from his childhood, which he had absolutely no desire to repeat. If the Arch Mage had truly desired Boch’s presence, Boch would have felt a compulsion to enter the portal. The portal allowed the caster to send a verbal message to the recipient and leave an arcane tunnel open for either the recipient or any non-lethal responses. Besides, walking through the warren of passageways to the throne room would give him time to lock away the memories and abilities he had been working so diligently to acquire.

He was the last remaining “Untested” of the Arch Mage’s brood. Through careful maneuvering, and a little dumb luck, Boch had been passed over for the last couple of Tempering Tests. All the students were required to take the tests once they had reached a certain skill level. It was the manner of progression through the school. If you passed, you were elevated to the next level. If not, you were stripped of your magic and sent away. No one ever saw the failed students again.

Boch took his time putting away the scroll he had been studying. As he put the scroll away, he scooped up a couple of his more potent rings. Walking to the throne room, he cast a collection of spells into his holding ring. When he finished, he cast a final spell on himself that would only activate if a trigger word were said or a set of circumstances happened.

When he arrived at the throne room, the Arch Mage’s guard constructs parted to let him through. The constructs were magical creatures loyal only to the Arch Mage. As Boch passed through their ranks, he felt the glare from fifty sets of eyes digging into his back.

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